“Señor, señor, let’s overturn these tables
Disconnect these cables
This place don’t make sense to me no more
Can you tell me what we’re waiting for, señor?”

The last verse of the Bob Dylan song Señor (Tales of Yankee Power) is the inspiration for the title of this website about the 21st century church in Australia (and other western countries). The name echoes Jesus’ actions (e.g. in Mark 11:15) of overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple, in an enacted prophesy that old covenant worship and sacrifice was about to be replaced by the new covenant.

For I think we need to overturn a few tables and disconnect a few cables – and replace, or at least improve, our approaches to church, which is supposed to be God’s hope for the world. We need some fresh ideas.

The why and how of change in the church

When I look at the christian church in twenty-first century in Sydney, Australia (and elsewhere in the western world), I find this place often don’t make sense to me no more.

  • I don’t feel we have adapted to the contemporary cultures around us, so we don’t really know how to speak to many of them.
  • We don’t seem to be making strong disciples. Rather our church practices (such as sermons and large clergy staff) are keeping too many people passive.
  • So I doubt we’re fulfilling the mission Jesus left to us (loving God, loving neighbour, making disciples).

Information is available on positive alternatives but we are too often reluctant to change.

If you think this assessment is too harsh, check out pages on the diagnosis of the issues facing churches in the twenty-first century: how our culture has morphed and splintered into many different tribes which require different approaches to evangelism, making disciples, mission, church …. everything.

Read some well researched ideas on how we can make disciples and do our mission in new and exciting ways. Check out reports of christians doing something different that better fits our mission.

All this based on serious investigation, half a lifetime of experience, a lot of thought on doing better, and the writings and experiences of some innovative christian thinkers. My focus is on Australia, but ideas and stories come from anywhere and could be applied in many places.

The challenge is there. What are we waiting for, señor?

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Key pages

The church of the future?
If the church of the present isn’t cutting it in the postmodern world, what might the church of the future look like? Join me in some creative imagining.

Urban tribes and the church
Recognising that young urban pagans are a new mission field, and 8 principles for ministering to Generation Z.

How do we teach and make disciples in church?
Why sermons are not effective in making disciples, plus ways we could do it a whole lot better. With over 80 expert references.

Young adults who walk away from Jesus
Why do so many teens walk away from faith in the years after they leave youth group? What can we do differently?

The Underground in Tampa, Florida
A church comprising 200+ microchurches which serve all sections of society. Is this what all churches should be like?

6 books to change the church …. and the world!
Six books that have something important and church-changing to tell us if we have ears to hear.

All this, and more!

The graphic of Jesus with the temple money-changers comes from Free Bible Images.