What is the mission of the church? These pages offer some insights, gleaned from various sources.

Evangelism in the twenty-first century
Evangelism is a tough gig in the twenty-first century. How should we adapt?

A fresh way to be the church
The church is losing ground in western societies. But what if we followed Jesus’ radical teachings about how to share him with others?


Missional communities – a way to multiply the church
Here are some ideas for how christians can get away from their church buildings and services to show the love of Jesus in word and deed.


Don’t plant a church, plant a mission
Trying to grow an existing church is hard. Planting a new church will be better. But best of all is to plant a mission.


Why do we have church services?
Most church services today feature preaching, music and/or liturgy, and a definite order of service. But why are church services like that? What are we aiming to achieve?


The church of the future?
If the church of the present isn’t cutting it in the postmodern world, what might the church of the future look like? Join me in some creative imagining.